OS X Witcher 1 — Save Game Editor (Java) question. Ведьмак 1 редактор сохранений

As TWEditor is self explanatory i will not go into every function. See the readme (TWEditor_ReadMe.txt) of the author ScripterRon to get further information.

Лучшие моды The Witcher 1

Игра The Witcher, вышедшая в уже далеком 2007 году, была немного хромой. Более шероховатая, чем ее сиквелы, где-то она была совершенно прелестной, а где-то разочаровывающей. Как и для многих других старых игр, для «Ведьмака» существуют моды, позволяющие ему хорошо смотреться даже сегодня. Их не так уж много, ведь большинство фанатов ушли в разработку модов для The Witcher 3, но среди них есть очень важные модификации. В 2020 году вы все еще можете наслаждаться прохождением первой игры серии, но имейте ввиду, что установка расширенного издания на Windows 10 может оказаться проблематичной. Лично я бы рекомендовал использовать GOG вместо Steam.

Моды для The Witcher бывают нескольких видов: визуальные, для улучшения геймплея, которые либо добавляют функции, либо исправляют старые ошибки, и новые квесты, созданные с помощью идущего в комплекте с игрой D’jinni adventure editor. Ниже мы перечислим лучшие моды для первого «Ведьмака».

Как их установить

Установка модов для «Ведьмака» по-прежнему делается в основном вручную. Вам нужно будет найти директорию с установленной игрой и открыть папку Data. Там вы создадите новую папку и назовете ее Override.

Большинство файлов модификаций можно совершенно спокойно копировать в папку Override, а не в подпапки. Несколько модов в этом списке используют одни и те же файлы, так что вам придется за этим тщательно следить. Некоторые игроки рекомендуют завести дублирующую папку Override где-нибудь на рабочем столе, которую можно будет переместить в каталог установки, если все в порядке.

Поскольку установка модов предполагает много возни, вам наверняка захочется просто один раз их установить и забыть про все это. Тогда стоит сразу подобрать себе комбинацию устраивающих вас модов и больше их не трогать, иначе каждый раз придется разбираться с путаницей в файлах.

Деревня Темноводье становится местом разборок между двумя бандитскими группировками. Геральт, недавно лишившийся Плотвы, оказывается в центре этого конфликта.


macrumors 68020

As long as you have java installed on your mac, you should be able to do the same by issuing the command:

java -DTW.install.path=»/Applications/The Witcher.app» -jar TWEditor.jar

The above assumes that:
1. You are located in the same directory where the TWEditor.jar is (otherwise you should use a full path to TWEditor.jar)

2. The Witcher game is installed under /Applications and it is named «The Witcher.app»

However, IIRC the witcher was a wrapped version from windows, so the actual game path will be different, and it will require the path where the «windows» game is located within the wrapper.


macrumors newbie

As long as you have java installed on your mac, you should be able to do the same by issuing the command:

However, IIRC the witcher was a wrapped version from windows, so the actual game path will be different, and it will require the path where the «windows» game is located within the wrapper.

In terminal: java -DTW.language=3 -DTW.install.path=»/Users/konstantinberkov/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/The Witcher Enhanced Edition/The Witcher.app» -jar ~/Downloads/TWEditorEnhanced/TWEditor.jar

I am using Witcher from Steam, so I have to use The Witcher.app which situated in Steam/steamapps/. /The Witcher.app, right? But I still getting error in start of editor: Localized strings database /Users/konstantinberkov/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/The Witcher Enhanced Edition/The Witcher.app/data/dialog_3.tlk does not exist

Complete Sword Overhaul – это мод, который добавляет в игру новые высококачественные модели мечей. Вы можете использовать его с модами Scabbard и с Full Combat Rebalance, но нужно будет обратить пристальное внимание на инструкции и патчи на его странице, чтобы убедиться, что они достаточно хорошо работают вместе.

Ведьмак 1 редактор сохранений

TWEditor allows you to modify save games created by The Witcher. You can modify the attributes and abilities of the player character (Geralt). You can also unpack all of the files in the save, manually modify one or more of the files, and then repack the save. Note that you can not add files to the save or delete files from the save.

The ‘Stats’ tab allows you to modify selected fields in the save game such as experience, orens and talents. The modified values will be written when the file is saved. Whether or not the changes are accepted when the save is loaded depends on the game engine.

The ‘Attributes’ tab allows you to modify Strength, Dexterity, Stamina and Intelligence selections.

The ‘Signs’ tab allows you to modify Aard, Igni, Quen, Axii and Yrden selections.

The ‘Styles’ tab allows you to modify Steel Sword and Silver Sword selections.

The ‘Equipment’ tab allows you to modify Geralt’s equipped items and trophy.

The ‘Inventory’ tab allows you to modify Geralt’s inventory.

The ‘Quests’ tab shows the game quests (Started, Completed, Failed and Not Started). The ‘Examine’ button will display a description of the current quest stage (if the stage has a description).

The ‘Difficulty’ tab allows you to modify difficulty level.

This version of the save game editor assumes you have installed the Enhanced Edition of The Witcher. Using this version of the editor with the original version of The Witcher can result in inventory errors.

To install this utility, place the TWEditor.jar file into a directory of your choice. To run the utility, create a program shortcut and specify

javaw -Xmx256m -jar TWEditor.jar

as the program to run. Set the Start Directory to the directory where you extracted the jar file. A sample program shortcut is included. The -Xmx256m argument specifies the maximum heap size in megabytes (the example specifies a heap of 256Mb). You can increase the size if you run out of space processing very large saves. Note that Windows will start swapping if the Java heap size exceeds the amount of available storage and this will significantly impact performance. The java virtual machine will fail to start if the requested heap size is too large.

The Sun Java 1.8 runtime is required. You can download JRE 1.8 from http://java.com/download/index.jsp. If you are unsure what version of Java is installed on your system, open a command prompt window and enter java -version .

The game install directory is located by scanning the Windows registry. If this scan fails or if the game files are located in a different directory, you can specify the game install directory when starting the editor. This is done by specifying -DTW.install.path=»» on the java command line where is the directory containing dialog.tlk. For example, if the game files are located in C:\Games\The Witcher and the editor is installed in C:\Games, the shortcut would look like this:

javaw -DTW.install.path=»C:\Games\The Witcher» -jar TWEditor.jar

Don’t forget to put double quotes around the path name.

The language identifier is determined by scanning the windows registry. If this scan fails or you want to use a different language, you can specify the language identifier when starting the editor. This is done by specifying -DTW.language=n on the java command line where ‘n’ is the language identifier for the associated .tlk file. For example, US English would be specified as:

However, IIRC the witcher was a wrapped version from windows, so the actual game path will be different, and it will require the path where the «windows» game is located within the wrapper.

Ведьмак 1 редактор сохранений

Get to know how to use the witcher savegame-editor «TWEdit» with the Steam version of the game. Learn about the capabilities of this tool and how to use savegame editing to solve bugs preventing you from completing a quest (i.e. missing quest items, dice box problem) or just to have fun altering the gameplay experience (i.e. increasing/decreasing stats, modifying equipment, adding inventory items, starting with high level signs or as sword master).



In this section i’ll give you the links to the files you need to run «TWEditor» – the savegameditor by Ronald «ScripterRon» Hoffman and explain how to get this usefull tool (thanks Ron) working with the Steam version of our beloved game.

You need java to run TWEditor: Download Java java.com

1. Unpack the .zip-File (containing three files: jar-File, shortcut, readme) into a directory of your joice.

2. The TWEditor.jar has to be started via an shortcut giving the .jar the correct launch parameters.
As Steam does not register The Witchers’ install directory and language as expected by the .jar you have to set following launch parameters manually.For this purpose rightklick the existing TWEditor shorcut, choose «properties» and add the following parameters to the «target» field:

Your install directory is usually «C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\The Witcher Enhanced Edition» (don’t forget the double quotes)

(The menue of the Editor is always in English language but the ID sets the language of items and their discriptions. The chosen language for the Editor has NO influence on the game, it’s just easier to find the right items in the Editor. If your language is not mentioned above, search here witcher.wikia.com )

//Properties of the TWEditor shortcut (excuse the German language)

Your target field should look like this:
%windir%\system32\javaw.exe -Xmx256m -DTW.install.path=»C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\The Witcher Enhanced Edition» -DTW.language=3 -jar TWEditor.jar

If you’re only using the 64bit version of Java your standard java path should be %windir%\SysWOW64\javaw.exe . Maybe you need to enter the full path of your windows directory instead of %windir%. For example «C:\Windows\system32\javaw.exe» or «C:\Windows\SysWOW64\javaw.exe»

If the standard javaw.exe directory does NOT work («target not found» error), search for your javaw.exe and change the path. In most of this cases the javaw.exe can be found in your program files. In this case your target field might look like this:
«C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_31\bin\javaw.exe» -Xmx256m -DTW.install.path=»C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\The Witcher Enhanced Edition» -DTW.language=3 -jar TWEditor.jar

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